Digital Marketing Trends That Will Still Dominate in 2020

digital marketing trends in 2019

Digital marketing trends are in constant flux. We expect something to last forever and will be irreplaceable. The way businesses have used digital marketing campaigns may have been changed over the years, but the reason has been the same. Their goal always has been to reach the ideal customer and make sales.
The way digital marketing trends are changing with new technology and innovation, businesses will have to keep up with those trends to reach their ideal customers.

While the need for marketing is still the same, the way of doing it is evolving to the next level.

Here are some of the digital marketing trends that will still dominate the 2020 marketing sphere.

Artificial Intelligence for big data clustering

Marketers are using AI especially to study patterns of their customers based on collected data.
Here is some basic usage of AI in digital marketing:
  • Analyze customer behavior and search patterns
  • Product recommendation
  • Customer service chat-bots
  • Voice assistant search 
  • Visual recognition
  • Audience targeting and segmentation
  • Forecasting sales metrics and more
For instance, using machine learning, Amazon recommends the exact product you were looking for. How does it do that? It learns your past buying patterns and search history for similar products. Then it recommends you with the products you may like.
The same pattern goes to YouTube and Netflix recommendations.
Long story short, as Stephen Hawking said, "AI is likely to be either the best or worst thing to happen to mankind."


Instagram has over 1 billion users right now. It has become one of the most have social media marketing platform. You will probably get more impressions and engagement in Instagram than any other  social media platform right now, not even twitter. The reason being it is a photo and video sharing app which is preferred by younger demographics.
Instagram will probably dominate image and video sharing domain in 2020 as well, some reasons being:
  • Limited competition
  • IGTV (instagram TV to share long videos)
  • Most effective platform for influencers
  • Huge reach unlike other image sharing apps
  • Easy sales platform
  • Best for anything related to image sharing

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is the use of software to automate marketing activities and workflow. It saves time, increases productivity and delivers great ROI.
It will still be used in 2020 and ahead because it simplifies your marketing funnel and makes customer relationship management easy.
The repetitive marketing activities such as email marketing, social media posting, managing ad campaigns and so on can be easily automated using marketing automation softwares.
Reasons why you should use marketing automation now and in future:
  • Makes it easier qualify leads and pass them onto sales
  • Track and deliver high ROI
  • Make sales funnel work seamlessly
  • Gets you most out of your CRM
  • Leads norturing and more

Intelligent Chatbots

Chatbots are automated conversation and interaction tool integrated in websites and social media channels. A recent survey showed that 80% of consumers reported a positive experience with chatbots, and another 40% said that they are interested in chatbot experiences with brands.
Chatbots are AI backed, so it is more of an intelligent chatbot now.
Using artificial intelligence allows the chatbot to provide more flexible responses to the user’s questions. This type of bot (such as Cleverbot) learns from each conversation and uses these experiences to answer future questions more accurately.
Chatbots will be vital for businesses in 2020 for seaming customer relationship management.
Reasons why chatbots are vital for your business:
  • Gather and analyze customer feedback and data.
  • Make communicating with your brand more fun.
  • Keep your social media presence fresh.
  • Automation of repetitive work.
  • Always available
  • Provide Greater Customer Satisfaction

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is blooming and vital content marketing niche in 2019 and will stay same or even get bigger in 2020. The main reason is that, brands are now cultivating long term partnerships with micro and nano influencers.
Instagram stands out among any other social media channel for influencer marketing success.
A result shows that for every 1$ spend on influencer marketing generates 5$ income.
Most of this trend is focused on B2C marketing (around 70%).
Reasons why influencer marketing trend will still dominate 2020:
  • Brands building relationships (sponsorships) with influencers
  • Higher engagement and trust on influencers
  • Content Is More Creative And High-Quality Than Ever
  • Higher authenticity

Videos and Stories

With platforms like Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, Facebook Live, video is a big trend online that will continue to grow. According to research by cisco around 82% of web traffic will be through video content.
Brands promote their products using videos with compelling stories that keeps users engaging for long time.
Top reasons why video marketing works best in 2019 and ahead:
  • Video keeps users engaged and excited
  • Videos increase conversion rates
  • Videos increase brand awareness
  • Videos are authentic brand communication medium
  • Best way to tell long story short
It's not easy to predict with technology these days, however these digital markeing trends will surely dominate their place in 2020.
