Top 5 Technology trends for small business 2019 | MarphaTech Blog

Top 5 Technology trends for small business 2019 | MarphaTech Blog

technologies for small business

Every year brings new technology trends for small business to grow and get bigger. But when it comes to small business, it is not easy to keep up with those trends. However, such trends can be seen as an opportunity to stay relevant, keep business emerging and transforming the way teams work.

Adopting Technology trends can revolutionize all the small business companies and the impacts of it can be eventually seen in the sales and revenue.

As a small business owner, you must be aware of the latest technology trends that keep you relevant in your marketplace.

Here are the Top 5 Technology trends, that can bring revolution to small businesses. 

1. Social Media Advertising

social media adverstising in 2019

Social media is probably the best tool for any small business to get exposed online. Exposed here means reaching the maximum prospects who may be interested in what you offer but not aware of.

Advertising and selling products through social media platforms will continue in the upcoming years as well.

Social media advertising is the most cost-effective and efficient platform to start your marketing campaign if you are a small business owner.

These days, every single individual is engaged in different social media sites. Everyone is familiar with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, and many other social media.

People these days love to shop through the internet rather than going to the shop, bargain and waste time. So, Investing in Social media would not only promote products but can be an advantageous thing to achieve their goal faster in many other ways.

QuickSprout provides a complete guide on How to Effectively Market Your Small Business on Social Media

2. Social Payments

Gone are the days when we had to get into a long line, reach a certain destination to receive and pay money. Technology has made it so easy that we no more have to do it.

Social payment is the use of social media to transfer money from one person to another person or business.

One can Transfer their money Immediately just by clicking a button. PayPal, Venmo, Snapcash, Google Wallet, Etc. are some of the popular channels of payments operated by business companies.
For small companies, social payment solutions make transferring digital currency easier and more convenient.

 According to The Balance Small Business social payments are generally safe and are less risky than carrying cash.

3. Marketing and Sales Automation 

automation bot

The automated technologies are a kind of software or tool that enables companies to Particularly target the customers with automatic marketing messages across different channels.

The channels such as email, websites, social media should integrate an automated messaging system to generate communication and eventually drive sales. It allows the salesperson to communicate better with customers, create a bond between them and drive better business outcomes. 

Some of the top marketing automation software in 2019 are, 
  • HubSpot Marketing.
  • Marketo.
  • Hootsuite.
  • ActiveCampaign.
  • iContact Pro.
Here is an awesome blog that perfectly sums up Marketing Automation Tools That Could Change Your Small Business

4. Influencer Marketing

social media influencer

Influencer marketing for small business means a better word to mouth marketing that utilizes the expertise of key leaders in the related industries.

Since last year, influencer marketing has seen a significant rise. Since there are a lot of small niche industries in a large competitive market, small businesses should make most of the influencers for improving their marketing campaigns.

It also shows the stats that Instagram engagement of such influencer has rocketed in the last 5 years. Taking advantage of their followers' engagement, small businesses must go all out for influencer marketing.

5. Blockchain Technology 

blockchain technology

Blockchain is the trending techno buzzword for a couple of years. Those who understand what is blockchain technology would describe it as an ingenious invention.

Blockchain is a very powerful, impossible to hack, reliable and secure transaction technology for digital assets that can help in enhancing the payment system, identity verification, circulating digital information and other transactions through various cryptocurrencies.

A cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that’s stored an immense network of sellers and buyers' computers. The distributed ledger network of blockchain keeps verifiable records of each transaction ever made in the system. 

In fact, some believe that blockchain technology could eventually be more important than the internet.

Certain features of blockchain such as Digital Identity, Smart Contracts, Distributed Cloud Storage and so on are exciting for small business owners. It will be interesting to see how small business owners integrate these "ingenious" features of blockchain into their system.

To sum up

It is not easy for small businesses to cope with all the trending technologies. However, small business owners should also remain in balance with important tech trends in the market. Making the right choice of technology is not easy, but we hope we highlighted few tech trends that you could use in the future.
