Top 5 Must Have Sales Tools for Sales and Marketing Team in 2019

What makes a great sales team? There a lot of personal and professional qualities that if you possess, may make you a proficient sales team. If your company is investing in sales tools for the sales and marketing team, the team is in a route to success.

The traditional landscape of requiring sales employees’ personality to be the prime factor is changed due to the integration of technology in sales and marketing process.

Yes, the salespeople still need to be people-oriented and win over the customers however the current market is a technology-driven. The companies integrating the sales and marketing tools in their team will eventually do better than others.

Let us see if your sales and marketing team is equipped with the following sales tools;

1. Marketing Automation Software:

Marketing Automation Software should be used by all businesses to automate repetitive marketing activities like emails, social media, and certain website actions.

When the tasks are automated, the marketing team can allocate their time for creating creative ideas to increase sales, the subjective efforts that cannot be automated.

Marketing Automation Software also measures ROI and paves way for cross-selling and up-selling.
Some of the popular Marketing Automation Software are:

2. Video Conferencing Software

Video Conferencing Software makes the long-distance conferences possible without the need to cash out business travel expenses for conducting meetings with clients and investors.

This is not only an advantage for the company to save on travel expenses for the sales team but it also reduces the carbon footprint from the company which boosts the company’s CSR profile.

Since the salespeople do not need to travel to meet clients every time they have to communicate about their offering, they can contact other clients and close in on deals.

The most preferred video conferencing software used are Google Hangouts, Skype, Zoom, Cisco, StarLeaf and GoToMeeting.

3. Artificial Intelligence 

An AI-backed chatbot is the most used communication method that businesses have enabled in their websites.

It is designed to provide instant replies to consumer queries about the specific website. The bot uses machine learning algorithms to provide the initial answers and only puts the customers through to the human representative when the arising question shows a higher interest.

AI acts as a lead generation tool after which the salespeople can focus on interested clients.

4. VoIP Calling Software 

Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) is a process of making phone calls over the Internet.

It is a cost-efficient method compared to the traditional call through the phone network. The sales team will be making a lot of calls and this software provides the platform for communicating with the clients cost-effectively.

VoIP adds a new feature to your system like lead management software integration. This allows for automatic storing of phone calls in their system. What this means is calls are recorded on the system for future reference from which we can gain feedback and it is used by managers to use the recording to train new employees to gain insight on sales techniques.

5. Website Tracking Software 

Website Tracking Software like Logic Monitor, AppDynamics and Solar Winds track the pages visited by your potential clients who visit your website. This software helps the sales team to understand more about the potential customer and where his interest lies. Understanding your customers helps you save time and prepare a strategy to convert leads into sales.

Time is of the essence and the sales and marketing team would fare better with sales tools that aid them to be more productive and efficient.

If one wants to be ahead in the competitive market then it is wise to utilize the innovative sales tools provided.

More: Learn why Human Resource Management System is a must for your business.
